According to Verizon’s 2021 Breach Investigations Report, the key motivation is money. Also, people are driven by espionage and just entertainment. Insiders simply take away valuable information, contracts, etc., download files, or photograph them on a smartphone.

How to act in such a situation with insider threats?
One solution is to store all data in a secure space. At the same time, this space should be protected not only when people are working in it, but should also track insiders after they leak sensitive information. For example, a strong security measure to enact in such a virtual data room would be invisible marking of documents.
Even if an insider bypasses the protection of the DLP systems installed in the company, but then decides to use the downloaded file and publishes a photo of the compromised document, then they can be easily identified by their unique markings. However, it is important that not to simply use well-known watermarks, but invisible markings. Watch the video to find out more about invisible labels by LeaksID.