LeaksID has launched a new feature of secure virtual storage for collaboration available for Team plans users. It is relevant for small businesses and large-scale companies and government agencies.
Secure data storage and document workflow
LeaksID Workspaces is a multi-user workspace that provides secure data storage and document workflow. Users can download, view, and share files within the group. At the same time, sensitive information is protected by LeaksID technology, which deters malicious people from leaking it through screenshots, pictures of the screen, print-outs, and documents shared via emails.

How do LeaksID Workspaces work?
How it works: the storage is created by the administrator (owner) in with just two clicks. Then the others can be invited to join. The access rights will be distributed between them. When a user accesses a file, LeaksID automatically replaces it with a personalized copy marked with unique tags, invisible to the human eye but easily recognized by the system. If the document’s link is forwarded to another user, a new personalized copy with different tags is immediately created. Using these markers, LeaksID can determine exactly who and when worked with a particular file.
As a result, a secure environment is created: everyone knows that information is protected by technology that will identify the culprit if a data breach occurs. A small fragment of the file is enough for investigation. The system can successfully track the source even if the document is damaged. This solution allows creating a culture of working with sensitive data based on a preventive effect: in organizations using LeaksID, the chance of leakage is minimized.

Integration with Google Drive
The system allows seamless integration with Google Drive to make it easier for employees to work within a familiar and comprehensible interface. At the same time, it doesn’t have access to the owner’s documents: they all are stored on Amazon cloud servers in the USA (AWS).
Virtual secure storages are applicable for law firms, companies involved in M&A transactions, the healthcare sector, movie scripts, as well as for other niche markets and government agencies.

The described feature is already available on the “Team” plan. G-71 is working on launching two more plans:
- Business: an advanced option of a Team plan that allows personalizing the mail server with notifications, creating branded virtual storages, etc.
- Enterprise: a plan where LeaksID features are fully adjustable to the customer’s individual requirements and can be integrated with its systems.
Stay tuned!
Try out LeaksID, our cloud solution to store documents, collaborate on them, and securely share them.